Intuitive Energy Reading & Healing Sessions

The below description from one of my clients is such an articulate summary that I had to include!


“One of the special magical tools of my spiritual journey is working with Energy Intuitive Michele Roberts.

An intuitive of 21 years, she specialises in healing and balancing The Energy Body Field by intuitively reading your Aura and Chakras and transcribing, through multi colours, the vibration around you at that point in time. The information received is in alignment with your higher self and is phenomenal; it’s truly transformational!

Each colour that Michele intuitively reads relates to your life and can be patterns from childhood, relationships, fears, desires, conflict, obstacles and blockages. When appropriate, a past life will emerge in a Chakra which affects present time and by clearing and releasing that past life, a dramatic healing occurs.

A negative energy can show up as shadows in the energy field or appear as energy cords from other people. These are also released and cleared permanently from the physical and etheric body.

The experience is an amazing journey within the self and leads to a deeper understanding of who I am and what I am here to contribute to our beautiful planet.

You will want to record your hour as there are so many layers to take on board! It is multi faceted and gains depth over time with your own expansion. The experience has as much impact in person as well as by Skype.”

Please contact me here for any additional information or to book a session.

I studied Intuitive Energy Therapy with an intense 2 year program in California in the 1990’s. I have practiced this modality primarily in the United Kingdom since and  I am a member of the British Registrar of Complimentary Practitioners.  I also now practice on an international basis with many clients in Asia and Southeast Asia.

Below are Kirlian photographs of my aura in 1997, and again in 2007, showing the dramatic effect of  Intuitive Energy Therapy.  The photo on the left shows a block in my 5th Chakra (throat); my energy was heavy and oppressive.  The photo on the right shows a release of the block and my energy is lighter, the oppressive nature healed.

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