Chakra by Chakra – A Breakdown for Breakthroughs in Healing




An easy to use guide for understanding the functions of each of our 7 chakras and how they orchestrate our well being and happiness when balanced and cleared.  The chakras have front channels and back channels up and down the spinal column.


First or Root Chakra located at the base of the spine.

The First Chakra is our foundation of self; our core, our identity, our value of self and survival information.  All of the chakras are influenced by the first as they all sit on top.  When we are in growth periods of change in these categories of self the first chakra will be the focus.

We live in a world where external information is presented to us as a gauge for our value.  If you have that degree, job, successful marriage, successful children, large salary, etc. you are considered a valuable member of society.  What if we don’t have any of those characteristics in our life, does that mean we have no value?  Of course not.  The problems arise when our belief systems say otherwise.  Our value of self becomes contingent on those external factors and unnecessary suffering results when there are glitches or perceived failures.  When we move to a more internal perspective, we takes those false perceptions and transform them into strengths, wisdom and ownership of our value and identity.  Someone can take away your job, your money and other external situations but no one can take away your transformation of these parts of self because they had nothing to do with it.  You did all the work; you are the owner, the architect of your value and identity.  Tremendous life changes result when clearing and healing the First Chakra.


Second or Sacral Chakra located in the lower belly and lower back area.

The Second Chakra is our creative energies; our inspiration; our motivation to create in our lives.  In the physical world we create or birth children.  In the energy world we birth opportunities, experiences, projects, businesses and more.  It’s our passion.  This is a chakra that can become compromised through the influence of others.  Our creative energy is in that situation over there assisting others; fixing family problems; bailing out colleagues at work; difficulties with boundaries or saying no without guilt.  This is where our capable selves become over stretched because everyone wants this creative energy injected into something that will benefit them, their cause or their company.  We can become very depleted in this chakra.  This is where you create for you.  It’s your car of life ready to take you to your next step but there is no petrol in the tank.  It has been siphoned out.  We must clear and heal this chakra to once again own our creative energies and move in the direction we desire; create the lives we deserve.


Third or Solar Plexus Chakra located in the upper belly or middle back.

The Third Chakra houses our personal power.  Are you in the driver’s seat of your car of life or are you in the passenger seat or even in the back seat.  Who or what is driving your life.  This is where ‘energy cords’ can be lodged.  As this is the chakra of decision making and choice, if people want to influence in these areas they will cord.  Sometimes this is intentional as they want you to do it their way; look at it from their perspective.  Sometimes cording can be unconscious such as family members wanting to save you from making what they deem a mistake.  Or… “If you love me you will do it this way; if you don’t do it this way you don’t love me.”  Guilt.  Cords of guilt are very persuasive when making choices and decisions in our lives.  It is essential these cords be removed and the chakra cleaned.  In my practice we also heal the malleability of the chakra so that cords cannot lodge in again.  This allows you to stay in the driver’s seat of your car life, where you belong.


Fourth or Heart Chakra located in the heart and upper back.

The Fourth Chakra houses our spiritual agreements and matters of the heart which in many cases is our relationships.  Our spiritual agreements are pre birth agreements we made for our soul’s evolution.  It’s where our service to others and the planet is registered.  It is also a chakra that can become closed due to wounding.  Our hearts are not only broken through romance but can be broken by our families or traumatic events.  Many times our hearts are wounded in childhood and we believe we have outgrown them only to find those original wounds torn open again during adulthood.  Double whammy.  If your desire is to live a heart based life it is imperative this chakra is open and clear.  The easiest thing to do when we suffer emotional pain is to close this chakra to prevent further harm.  This disconnects us from our depth of connection with life and others.  Again, much of our relationship information is within this chakra.  It’s difficult to nearly impossible to have deep felt heart connections with others if this chakra is unwell.  Here is where we begin the process of clearing those blocks and wounds so that profound shifts in our relationships can occur.


Fifth or Throat Chakra located in the front and back of the neck.

The Fifth Chakra houses your communication and will.  Speaking your Truth.  This is your communication style but also intention.  I say, I believe, I desire, I am.  This is another chakra which can be vulnerable to cords.  Others may want their will or desire to become your will and desire.  Sometimes these cords can actually strangle your ability to speak the truth.  We shut down in our communication space and live in despair because we cannot say what we feel or what we know.  Many times cords in this chakra can bring you down into the lower levels of communication such as gossip or judgment.  You feel terrible about participating in it or the words you threw at another with regret.  Others can cord through this chakra and you seem to speak their words or their will, not your own.  You so want to speak your truth but somehow cannot.  This is where cord removal is essential.  A consequence of this chakra corded or blocked can be years of repression and then a volcanic eruption of words, followed by guilt and further damage to this chakra.  Healthy and transparent communication is your soul’s will.


Sixth Chakra or Third Eye located at the forehead and back of the head.

The Sixth Chakra houses self image and self esteem; left brain/right brain functions and clairvoyance.  When this chakra is out of balance you can really struggle with self acceptance.  Many times clouds of energy that belong to others can be lingering around this chakra and we can absorb the energies.  Someone near you can be depressed and anxious and you can be affected.  Their negativity literally hovers like a cloud or a large umbrella and you can begin to feel down.  These clouds of energy need to be removed.  Many times others may not agree with your growing and developing; becoming your own person; walking your own walk and they can project energies to limit you.  I see this many times as a grey bar above the head which is like a lid to prevent change.  It’s a heavy energy which can promote giving up and then feeling bad about yourself.  Many times you can be given a compliment but it is blocked by this energy and cannot be received.  It’s important that the right brain (creative) be supported by the left brain (action).  You want to create an experience or solution but unless it is actioned it remains wishful thinking.  When creation is actioned the result is manifestation.  Clairvoyance also resides in the Sixth Chakra.  To develop this ability it is essential this chakra is clear and balanced.


Seventh Or Crown Chakra located on the top of the head.

This is your connection to the divine.  This is where connection to the ‘bigger picture’ or universal knowledge is received.  When the chakras are clear and balanced they form a straight line from the top of the head to the tailbone.  When there is misalignment within this line it can be mirrored as misalignment in the structure of our lives.  Unhappiness; accepting less than we deserve; lack of faith and hope are all common occurrences.  Healing, clearing, realigning and the removal of cords from the chakras is a major step in creating the life you desire.


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